Have you ever MISSED a workout?!

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I have! Often times, it’s for a good reason too! I might be feeling sick… Or my body is tired and needs a rest day. Or I simply want to take a day off.

TOO often, women believe that they MUST exercise intensely for at least an hour 4-5 times each week in order to lose weight… And that is TOTAL BS!

When you MISS a workout (for any reason), here is what does NOT happen:

You automatically gain the weight back.
You lose your muscle mass overnight.
You have to starve yourself or extremely restrict calories the next day.
You must do a double workout the next day.

Here’s what DOES happen when you miss a workout:

Your body gets the chance to properly recover and rest.
Nothing else.
Literally nothing.

If you CONSISTENTLY miss workouts, now that’s a problem.

But taking days off from exercising is absolutely CRUCIAL in your weight loss journey. Your body NEEDS rest in order to build strong muscles that keep your metabolism running efficiently.