Ready for the 1 thing you MUST change in order to lose weight long-term?

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Seriously, without this, you will be a yo-yo dieter FOREVER.

It’s NOT your eating habits... Nor is it your exercise routine... although BOTH are super important!

It’s how you THINK about food, exercise, and your body.

Seriously, the #1 reason my clients succeed is because of their mindset.

Let’s talk about how to create a USEFUL mindset when it comes to losing weight, as opposed to a USELESS mindset.

USELESS mindset thoughts:
— Eats a cookie and thinks “I’m being bad.”
— Eats a salad and thinks “I’m being good!”
— Eats a doughnut and thinks “I’m being bad again... I need to punish myself by starving myself the rest of the day.”
— Eats an apple and thinks “I’m not enjoying this but I deserve to eat this because I was bad.”
— Drinks too much wine and feels horribly guilty... thinks “I have to exercise for at least an hour tomorrow to make up for this.”

— Eats a cookie, and thinks “it’s totally okay because I plan to eat nutritious foods for the rest of the day/week.”
— Passes on eating a douhgnut and thinks “I enjoyed a cookie yesterday so I don’t need a donut today. I can enjoy one another time”
— Eats a salad and thinks “I’m fueling my body with amazing nutrients that it needs to properly function and thrive.”
— Eats an apple and thinks “this snack is convenient for my busy schedule, plus it helps me reach my goals”
— Drinks too much wine and thinks “wow I drank too much last night, but it’s okay because I learned from my experience. Next time, I’ll alternate water with a glass of wine.

If you don’t get a handle on how you THINK and FEEL about food, then you will ALWAYS STRUGGLE with weight loss/food addiction/loving your body.


Have you heard about the MAGIC PILL you MUST use in order to lose weight?


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