Don’t blame a clown for acting like a clown.


Instead, ask yourself this: WHY do you keep going to the circus??

I know what you’re thinking… WHAT the heck does a clown and a circus have to do with weight loss?!

Technically, nothing.

But this analogy has EVERYTHING to do with your mindset.

And having the right mindset is absolutely CRUCIAL for you to lose weight… Because your THOUGHTS dictate your ACTIONS, and your ACTIONS produce your RESULTS.

Here’s my big takeaway FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL

The donuts at work every Tuesday morning aren’t the reason that you’re not losing weight… And neither is the candy bowl in the break room at work.

NO, you probably CAN’T control either of those temptations, but you CAN control whether or not you choose to indulge in them.

Can you eat one small piece of candy and eat nutritious foods during the remainder of the workweek and still lose weight?! Probably!

Can you visit the candy bowl every single day and still lose weight?! Probably not!

You have CONTROL over your choices. Don’t blame ANY external factor for your lack of results (like your workplace for offering tempting foods.)

Once you fully understand and accept the things that you DO and DON’T have control over, you become unstoppable, and losing weight (or reaching ANY other goal for that matter) becomes EASY!!!

You have full control over whether or not you choose to show up at the circus.


Is it just me, or have YOU ever struggled with the “JUST IN CASE” mindset?!


Confession time!