Does anyone else feel SO FRUSTRATED when you eat nutritiously and exercise consistently for one week and the scale simply doesn’t BUDGE, or even worse, the number goes UP?!


Yeah, I remember that feeling on my own weight loss journey.

I would eat nutritiously 90% of the time and strategically plan my workouts and then step on the scale, and on certain weeks there was NO progress!

It was beyond frustrating and I felt like giving up every single time.

Once I was able to accept the fact that it’s NORMAL and HEALTHY for my weight to fluctuate, my journey became 10 times easier.

Weight loss is NOT linear friends. If there are weeks where you maintain a new low weight, or where the scale goes up slightly, it means your body is functioning NORMALLY and that you are HEALTHY.

The sooner you’re able to accept this the EASIER your journey becomes!

Check out 6 most common reasons why it’s NORMAL and HEALTHY for the scale to fluctuate:

1. Your meal timing was off yesterday. For example, maybe you ate a later-than-usual dinner.
2. Your bathroom schedule is off.
3. Your monthly cycle or your hormones are fluctuating.
4. You weighed yourself at a different time than you normally do.
5. You moved the scale or used a different scale than you usually do.
6. You are lots of sodium yesterday or are retaining water.

At the end of the day, the scale is just ONE tool that can be used to measure progress… And it definitely doesn’t define how healthy of a person you are OR how nutritious you eat.