There is a 100 % chance that you’ll have a setback while trying to lose weight.

Maybe you’ll overeat...
Or maybe you’ll eat too many sweets one week...
Or maybe your plans fall apart and dinner ends up being pizza...
Or maybe you drank too much and feel you “sabotaged” your results...

That’s LIFE, and it happens to ALL OF US, no matter what goal we are trying to reach!

KNOW that setbacks happen, but be mentally prepared to LEARN from your experiences, so you can pick yourself back up and make progress towards your goals.

Think back to everything you are proud of achieving in life... I GUARANTEE there were stumbles and setbacks on your journey.

Life isn’t perfect, so don’t pretend that it should be, and don’t feel thrown off when it’s not.

Losing weight ISN’T about eating perfectly nutritious... but rather about learning how and when to CONSISTENTLY make nutritious, smart choices, as well as picking yourself back up after a setback.