Can you imagine NEVER feeling the urge to binge on the weekends again?!


Take a second and think about each of these situations:

What would your life be like if it was EASY to make decisions around food?

How much TIME and ENERGY would you have to simply LIVE and ENJOY your life if you didn’t spend time worrying about what to eat next?

How FREEING would it feel to fully TRUST yourself to make nutritious choices most of the time, and to enjoy your favorite indulgent foods guilt-free occasionally?!

My friends, ALL of these situations are 100% possible for you!

In my weight loss coaching program, the Freedom with Food Formula, I walk all of my clients through the exact steps they need in order to achieve long-term weight loss success AND find emotional freedom with food choices!

My clients learn the strategies and skills to eat healthy MOST of the time while still enjoying their favorite foods.

Most importantly, my clients release YEARS of emotional baggage that has been tied with food choices. For many clients, being able to find food freedom is JUST as important as the actual weight loss!

If you find yourself struggling with binges, or spending too much time thinking about food choices and not enough time to LIVE your life, then it’s time to make a change. Decide that enough is enough. Make an empowered decision to DO something, as opposed to THINKING about doing something.

Sure, it will be scary. You might be nervous about failing or if it will work. It’s normal and okay to feel that way! But as ALL of my clients can attest, it’s 100% WORTH IT to be in CONTROL over your eating habits and stop the binging.

Have questions about HOW to stop the obsessing or binging? Send me a private message!


⭐️ Your BEST weight is whatever weight you reach when you’re living the healthiest life that you actually ENJOY. ⭐️


4 years ago, I *almost* QUIT my online weight loss coaching business.