4 years ago, I *almost* QUIT my online weight loss coaching business.


I was HUSTLING for 16-18 hours a day doing in-person fitness training AND trying to grow my online business. My personal training business was going great, but no matter HOW hard I tried, I couldn’t gain ANY traction in the online space.

4 years ago, I had ZERO online nutrition coaching clients. None. Nada. Zilch. Today, my business is BOOMING with women inquiring about my coaching on a weekly basis.

Can you guess the ONE thing that turned my FAILING online business into a THRIVING one?!

Nope, it’s not Facebook ads.

Nor is it an awesome email sequence.

Heck, it actually has NOTHING to do with the strategies I was using!

Instead, it has everything to do with PATIENCE and CONSISTENCY.

Did I feel like crying and giving up when I would post on social media every single day, KNOWING that no one would comment on my post and that I didn’t have a single client who was paying me?! HELL YES!

But I kept posting anyways!

Did it HURT to spend hours creating free workouts & free healthy meal cheat sheets, only to have countless women tell me they prefer to count points or eliminate carbs versus working with a REAL coach?? YESSS! This was probably the one that stung the most!

But guess what?!

I kept showing up and taking action EVERY SINGLE DAY! Yep, even on the days I felt like a total failure and fraud on the inside.

Because I did the work, I’ve completed surpassed my personal training income, and more importantly, I’ve helped my clients lose over 800 POUNDS (and KEEP IT OFF!)

I share my story today because I guarantee that SOMEONE reading this post is feeling frustrated and on the verge of quitting… Especially if you’re trying to lose weight. If you’re one of those people feeling frustrated and upset, KEEP GOING. When you’re at the breaking point, yet you STILL decide to make progress towards your goals… THAT is where the magic happens!

Have YOU ever felt like quitting or giving up on your journey towards a goal??


Can you imagine NEVER feeling the urge to binge on the weekends again?!


On a scale from 1-10, how CONFIDENT and IN CONTROL over your food choices do you feel?!