Keto… Weight Watchers… Whole 30… Heck, EVERY other diet out there under the sun has ONE thing in common!


Well, technically TWO things in common.

First, they all require some sort of RESTRICTION (yuck!), and second, they all create a CALORIE DEFICIT.

And creating a calorie deficit is THE NUMBER ONE thing that is needed in order to lose weight.

Here’s the truth You DO NOT need to restrict yourself in order to create a calorie deficit.

Check out my PROVEN 4-part formula for creating a calorie deficit! WITHOUT restricting yourself!

1. Choose a salad for one of your meals every day. Load that puppy up with veggies and lean protein and you’ll be quickly on your way to a calorie deficit while still enjoying other foods too!
2. Use a smaller bowl and plate for your meals. It’s easier to eat EVERYTHING on a smaller plate than it is to STOP eating food on a larger plate. Keep your portions under control by eating with smaller dishes.
3. Focus on calorie-free drinks. WATER, coffee, diet sodas, and teas are weight loss’ BEST FRIENDS. Skip the frappuccinos and other sugary drinks and save your calories for REAL food.
4. Move more! Whether it’s taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or hitting that spin class at the gym, find ways to MOVE your body that fit into your daily routine. 🚶🏻‍♀️

If you follow these 4 steps consistently, you’ll be able to lose weight while still enjoying your favorite foods occasionally!

In the comments below, share which of these 4 steps YOU can commit to executing today!

Sarah Pelc Graca

A seasoned professional in the field of nutrition and fitness, with a successful coaching track record spanning almost a decade. With a focus on helping her clients create foundational nutrition habits, an empowered mindset, and accountability, Sarah and the SWS team have guided over 350 clients towards sustainable weight loss while still allowing them to enjoy their favorite foods.

Recognized as a top weight loss coach by Yahoo! News and featured in prestigious publications such as The Wall Street Journal and Forbes, Sarah has established herself as a reputable health and fitness expert. She is also the lead instructor at Cyclebar Northville, a boutique indoor cycling studio in Michigan.

Fun Fact — I have a sweet tooth!


Let’s talk PROGRESS.