Weight loss does NOT start by eating salads...


Nor does it start by exercising...

The process to losing weight begins with your MINDSET!

As humans, there are TWO basic mindsets that shape our entire lives — the fixed mindset and the growth mindset.

In a fixed mindset, people believe their qualities are innate and therefore cannot change. They believe their weaknesses and strengths are there from birth and cannot be changed. People with this mindset believe that failure is shameful, and should be avoided. They avoid making mistakes at all costs.

In the growth mindset, people believe they can learn and grow their strengths and improve on their weaknesses over time. They understand that they are in control over their own choices and subsequent results. They see mistakes as learning opportunities.

Suffering from a fixed mindset is a guaranteed way to make weight loss EXTREMELY difficult!

The first thing you need to do if trying to lose weight (or reach ANY goal for that matter) is to focus on creating a growth mindset.

Remember your mindset is your system of thoughts and beliefs, which directly influences your actions. You are always in control over your thoughts (which create your beliefs).

In the Freedom with Food Formula, I help my clients create a growth mindset, so they are able to successfully lose weight from day one. By changing their mindset, my clients are able to grow and evolve in multiple areas of their life, not just with health! I’m talking better marriages, more confidence, more energy as parents, and even promotions at work!

Which mindset do YOU have? Are there different areas in life where you have the growth vs fixed mindset?