4 Ways to CONQUER Meal Prep!

Ways to prepare healthy meal - strong with sarah

When I say the words "meal prep," do you imagine spending five hours on a Sunday in your kitchen measuring out about 30 ingredients, and having at least 20 reusable storage containers to hold your meals?

Newsflash: meal prep does NOT need to be time consuming more complicated!

Meal prep isn’t rocket science, but it’s also not very intuitive. 

Check out these 4 hacks to help you ace your meal prep game WITHOUT wasting your entire Sunday measuring out ingredients in the kitchen!

1. Spend money on the right storage containers.

Please note, this does NOT mean that you need to buy the most expensive food storage containers from a high-end department store! Wherever you shop, I encourage you to invest in some glass storage containers that can easily go from the oven, the refrigerator, to the freezer, or even to the microwave. In addition, you can buy special produce storage containers that keep fruits and veggies fresh for longer. I HIGHLY recommend using these! 

2. Focus on preparing ingredients instead of meals.

Do you ever find that eating the exact same thing for a few meals becomes boring and bland? Instead of preparing a casserole or soup that will last you the entire week, focus on preparing ingredients that you can have multiple uses. For example, cook and chop up chicken breasts so that you can use it in salads and in wraps. Or, wash and chop up veggies that you can add to salads or sauté as a side for dinners. 

3. Try to follow the 4/2/1 rule. 

Every week, try to prepare 4 different vegetables, 2 different proteins (such as chicken and eggs), and 1 starch (such as potatoes) ahead of time. By preparing mostly proteins and veggies, you’re automatically setting yourself up to lose weight or simply eat healthy, balanced meals. 

4. Don’t be afraid to cook different ingredients on a single pan.

If you’re looking to save time, cook all of your proteins, starches, and vegetables all at once. Simply toss your vegetables and a dash of olive oil and spread them on the pan along side the protein and roast everything together. Add different spices and sauces when you go to eat your meals to add flavor and variety.

Planning healthy meals doesn’t need to take up your entire weekend, but it DOES require a little bit of planning. Give yourself at least 30 minutes to prep/cut the food, and another 30 minutes to bake everything. Remember though, you can multi-task while your ingredients are baking! 😉

If you’re looking for other healthy and easy meal ideas, be sure to join my FREE Facebook group for women here!