My clients who achieve the BEST results do NOT rely on motivation.

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Whaaaat?! Did I just blow your mind???

Seriously, my clients who have lost 50+ pounds are NOT motivated 24/7 to lose weight.

Heck, if you only rely on motivation to achieve ANY goal, you will never succeed.

Here’s why — motivation doesn’t last. Sure, it might get you STARTED, but NO ONE is motivated every single day. Motivation simply comes and goes in waves. There is NO human on this Earth who is motivated 24/7.

If you take action and move closer to your goals ONLY when you feel motivated, you’ll never make enough progress to see REAL results.

So… What do you do when you DON’T feel motivated?!

First off, you need to understand that motivation is a FEELING.

And if you allow your feelings to dictate your actions, you will STRUGGLE to lose weight.

Instead, focus on becoming self-disciplined. Being self-disciplined means learning to take action and build habits that are in alignment with your goals and are sustainable regardless of HOW you’re feeling.

Self-discipline is the thing that makes you show up for yourself & your goals EVERY single day, even when you don’t feel like it.

You can’t trust motivation, but you CAN trust self-discipline. It’s a decision. It’s a commitment to yourself. It's one of the BEST parts of my coaching program!

ALL successful people are self-disciplined. NO successful people are motivated all the time.