The TRUTH that no one tells you about losing weight!

Untold realities of weight loss by strong with sarah

Can it be HARD to be disciplined and to learn to say NO in the moment to some less-nutritious choices while losing weight? YES!

But guess what…

Here’s a little truth bomb that no one tells you: 💣

It’s JUST AS HARD to stay exactly as you are right now.

I’m talking about feeling tired all the time…

And hiding behind baggy clothes…

And feeling miserable in the same body you’ve been living in for years…

And cringing every time you see yourself in a photo (or simply refusing to be in pictures at all!)

And lacking the confidence and energy to lead the life you *KNOW* you want to lead…

A friendly reminder that EVERYTHING we do in life as adults is HARD.

👉🏻 You get to choose your own hard. It’s JUST as hard to change as it is to stay the same. 👈🏻

If the thought of losing weight seems too HARD to bear, then imagine how HARD it will be to stay the same as you are now for the rest of your life.

Losing weight (and reaching ANY other goal) is only as hard as you make it.

Commit to creating the life you WANT to live, and don’t let it being “hard” stop you from getting there.

Ready to overcome this HARD goal?! Start by committing to yourself. 💕

Choose ONE healthy action that you can implement into your life, and commit do getting it done every single day.

What is your one action you can implement today to create a healthier life?!