The FOOLPROOF way to BURN more calories WITHOUT needing more time!


Alright friends, today’s tip is NEAT… I mean literally AND figuratively!

NEAT = Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis

In a nutshell, NEAT refers to ALL of the calories you burn when you’re not sleeping, not eating, and when you’re not exercising. Essentially, it’s all of the calories you burn simply by LIVING and MOVING throughout your daily life.

Check out 6 proven ways to increase NEAT without adding ANY time or stress to your day:

👉🏻 Take the stairs instead of the elevator
👉🏻 Park in the farthest parking spot from the door
👉🏻 Work at a standing desk. Fidgeting while you stand burns more calories than you would guess.
👉🏻 Break up your day and aim for a few short walks. Set an alarm for every hour or two and take a brisk walk around the office.
👉🏻 Do errands as opposed to ordering everything online. Sure, Amazon and Instacart are convenient, but strolling through the aisles and unloading your groceries burns more calories than opening an Amazon box.
👉🏻 Do your chores and housework. Vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom, and mowing the lawn are simple household tasks that torch calories

Still not a believer that these small movements add up?! 🤔

Current research suggests that you can burn an extra 100-150 calories EVERY HOUR simply by increasing NEAT.

If you increase NEAT for 8 hours a day, that’s an extra 800-1200 calories you burn WITHOUT exercise! 🤯

Talk about making weight loss easier… HOW easy would it be to create a calories deficit if you could burn an extra 800 calories without stepping foot into the gym?!

I challenge YOU to increase your NEAT today! Choose ONE of the actions listed above and drop it in the comments below! Ready, set, GO!

Sarah Pelc Graca

A seasoned professional in the field of nutrition and fitness, with a successful coaching track record spanning almost a decade. With a focus on helping her clients create foundational nutrition habits, an empowered mindset, and accountability, Sarah and the SWS team have guided over 350 clients towards sustainable weight loss while still allowing them to enjoy their favorite foods.

Recognized as a top weight loss coach by Yahoo! News and featured in prestigious publications such as The Wall Street Journal and Forbes, Sarah has established herself as a reputable health and fitness expert. She is also the lead instructor at Cyclebar Northville, a boutique indoor cycling studio in Michigan.

