Most people I talk to think that losing weight is HARD. Like really freaking hard.


Here’s the thing though — the science behind losing weight is remarkably simple. You have eat less calories than your body burns.

People tend to get tripped up when they put way too much emphasis on the scale, and not enough emphasis on their habits.

Weight loss IS hard when you only focus on results… Or if you only focus on the end goal.

If you want weight loss to come easier, then start focusing on creating healthy, sustainable habits.

Let’s go — 6 habits to make fat loss EASY-PEAZY!

1. Ditch drastic diets and quick fixes. Find something that leads to weight loss, but that is ALSO a sustainable long term. Truthfully, it’s probably not counting points or eating fake diet food.
2. Eat protein with veggies at 80-90% of your meals. Get into the habit of eating nutritious foods and watch the weight EASILY fall off.
3. Move your body every single day. You can go for a walk, or workout, or stretch… But DO something.
4. Eat mindfully & intentionally. This means only eating when you feel physical hunger, versus eating when stressed or upset. It also means slowing down and focusing while you eat, as opposed to mindlessly chowing down.
5. Drink plenty of water. I recommend 0.5-1 ounce per pound of bodyweight.
6. Prioritize sleep! Without 7-9 hours of sleep each night, your body can’t regulate its hunger and fullness hormones… AKA weight loss becomes way harder if you can’t understand true hunger.

Do you have any other habits you’ve created that helped with weight loss?