The ULTIMATE guide to losing weight while enjoying chocolate!

sarah weight loss expert

Keep reading because this is NOT a trick!

It is absolutely possible to still enjoy chocolate, or pizza, or ANY of your other favorite foods and lose weight. ALL of my clients learn how to lose weight without eliminating ANY foods or drinks:

Here’s how:

The key to losing weight while still enjoying chocolate is BALANCE. ⁣

Now, the ultimate question: What does balance look like?

It really comes down to your personal preferences, your body, and the way you live your life.

The best way to enjoy your favorite foods and drinks while still losing weight is to PLAN AHEAD and PRIORITIZE.

Look ahead at your schedule this week and ask yourself... What is worth it to YOU this week to enjoy??

Is it Taco Tuesday with girlfriends?

Or date night with your significant other where you plan to share a brownie sundae?

Or pizza or birthday cake at your child’s birthday party?

If you find that you have a busy week with a few fun social events/meals planned, then it comes down to prioritizing your absolute FAVORITE food or drink. At the other social events, try to make nutritious choices, and then indulge on the foods/drinks that are *most* worth it to you.

You simply CAN’T eat unhealthy foods and drink booze 3-4 days a week and still expect to reach your goals. That’s not balance, and it won’t lead to weight loss.

Do me a favor... grab your calendar and check out your upcoming week.