Weight Loss is stressful on your body.

Sarah - Best weight loss coach

It’s NOT something you should put your body through for years and years at a time (even though MANY of us do). In fact, putting your body through the stress of always trying to lose weight is one way to make weight loss even harder!

There’s ONE crucial mindset shift that you MUST make to lose weight once and for all.

You have to remember that the weight loss phase of your health journey is TEMPORARY.

You must learn to say NO to some indulgent foods and drinks while in the weight loss phase. You probably need to say NO more times than you *think* you do to in order to succeed.

It’s easy to forget that saying NO more often is NOT a forever habit.

Once you hit your desired weight, confidence, and energy levels, and you are ready to maintain, you will have more “wiggle room” to enjoy life’s treats.

I NEVER believe in completely giving up your favorite foods/drinks OR eliminating entire food groups during the weight loss phase... it’s about learning the necessary skill of MAJORLY cutting back.

Think about your day today... Commit to swapping out ONE indulgent food with a nutritious one.