How LONG have you been unhappy with your current weight or health?


Months? Years? Half your life?

Let me ask... What’s stopping you from changing your health right now⁉️

As human beings, we LOVE to live in our comfort zones. We often procrastinate on our goals because it’s EASY and COMFORTABLE to say “Oh I’ll start to lose weight on Monday... or next month... or when life calms down...”

But here’s the truth — Life will ALWAYS be busy! If you think that your life will settle down next week, next month, or next year, you’re kidding yourself.

When you continue to push your goals farther and farther into the future, you’re only reinforcing your current habit of PROCRASTINATION.

Here’s my best piece of advice: start right now, even though you are busy and might feel overwhelmed with life.

Keep it simple, and DON’T overcomplicate it.

Start TODAY by taking one small action to make your life 1% healthier than it was yesterday.

Maybe that means walking the stairs instead of taking the elevator at work.

Or maybe you grab a banana for your afternoon snack as opposed to a candy bar.

If you continue to wait, chances are you’ll NEVER find the time or energy to make your health a priority.

What is ONE small action that you can implement today to make your life a little bit healthier?