5 Ways to Show Your Body Love this February


February is the month to celebrate LOVE!  

The most important type of love you can find is love for YOURSELF.  Self love doesn't mean selfish love... It means loving yourself so that you have the humility and acceptance to love others.  

You are worthy.You are capable.You are beautiful.Book the ticket.Write the book.Create the dream.Celebrate yourself.Rule your queendom..png

Check out these 5 ways to help you show your body love:

1. MOVE!

It doesn't matter how you exercise, or where you exercise, or what time of day you exercise... All that matters is that you MOVE!  Movement helps to keep your bones, muscles, and heart strong and healthy.

2. Make a love list.

Our bodies are amazing.  Physically, our bodies are strong enough to carry us throughout our daily lives... from birth to death.  Mentally, our bodies get us through the most exciting AND the most tragic events we encounter on a daily basis.  Make a list of all the things your body has done for you that you are grateful for.

3.  Spoil your body.

Treat yourself!  I'm talking about a manicure, a massage, or even a relaxing bath.  You don't need to spend lots of money... Just find some time and quiet space for you to relax!

4.  Eat something amazing.  

It could be a juicy piece of fresh fruit, or it could be a decadent brownie... But ENJOY something that you've been craving.  Try not to go overboard on the portion size, but truly enjoy eating it.  Eat your treat slowly and mindfully, so that you can savor every bite.


Find your favorite funny movie, or a funny book... Read your favorite jokes... It doesn't matter what triggers it, but I encourage you to LAUGH until you're crying.  Research suggests that belly-aching laughter relieves stress and physical tension.  Plus, it decreases stress hormones and boosts your immune system.

During this season of love, by all means, SHARE love with others!  But don't forget to take care and love yourself too!  

If you're interested in learning how to love your body on a deeper level, I encourage you to book a no-pressure consultation call with me.  On the call, we will talk about your current relationship with your body, and how we can work together to help you lose weight, improve your energy and your confidence, and your self-love.