Does Coffee Make You Gain Weight?

high-calorie coffee with butter

The smell of coffee may be the only thing that can wake up even the deepest sleeper. Its familiar aroma and rich taste are what bring people to their senses at the crack of dawn, bring friends together, and fuel everyone’s day with energy and focus. I am a self-proclaimed coffee snob myself! I LOVE a good cup of coffee!

Despite its widespread popularity, many people, especially those trying to lose weight, aren’t sure what role coffee plays in their diet. Does it make you lose or gain weight, hungry or full, energized or anxious? Keep reading this article to find out the answers!

Stimulants Found in Coffee 

Can coffee make you gain weight? To understand this, we need to understand what coffee is. Coffee is a combination of different constituents, including:

  • Caffeine: The main active ingredient, natural alkaloid, and stimulant in coffee. 

  • Theobromine: An ingredient found in small amounts in coffee that positively affects mental and physical functions

  • Theophylline: Found in coffee in small amounts, theophylline is known to relax airway muscles and stimulate heart rate.   

  • Chlorogenic acid: One of the coffee’s main compounds that affects the flavor of the drink and may also aid in weight loss. 

🔎 You’ve probably heard a lot about caffeine and its ability to give you a boost of energy, but have you ever wondered how it works? In short, caffeine can block adenosine–a receptor that makes you feel sleepy–and replace it with dopamine and norepinephrine (a neurotransmitter that’s responsible for alertness).

Does Coffee Help You Lose Weight?

So, does coffee help you lose weight? A short answer is yes, partially. Here is a longer explanation: 

Coffee suppresses adenosine receptors, meaning it helps you stay active and can increase your performance by 12%. This is great news for those who lack the energy to do sport after a long working day and need a little push to feel active again. 

But is this sudden burst of energy the only way coffee helps you lose weight? Not really; there are other ways this aromatic drink can help you shed some pounds:

May Suppress Appetite 

Have you ever noticed that when you drink a cup of Joe in the morning, your breakfast is instantly postponed by about one to two hours? The next morning, if you skip the drink, your hunger will let you know about itself soon after fully waking up. This is because of the relationship caffeine has with the hormone of hunger, ghrelin. 

Caffeine decreases the level of ghrelin in your body so that you don’t feel as hungry as you would have without drinking coffee. Hence, the black drink has the potential to regulate hunger and fullness to some extent. 

Promotes Fat Burning 

Caffeine not only suppresses your hunger, but it can also promote fat burning. When you drink coffee, your nervous system wakes up, signaling your body to use fat for energy. It does this by increasing the hormone epinephrine (also called adrenalin), which tells fat cells to release stored fat into your bloodstream. 

So, you can drink coffee and wait for fat to dissolve, right? Not really.

Britt Brandon

Britt Brandon

Accountability Coach / Weight Loss Coach


To make the most of caffeine for weight loss, drink black coffee before a workout. 

Studies show that caffeine can improve exercise performance and fat burning

But avoid sugary coffee drinks—those extra calories can undo the benefits!

To burn fat, you need to use more calories than you eat—either by eating less, moving more, or both! This is what we call creating a calorie deficit. 

May Boost Metabolic Rate

If you are trying to lose weight, you may already know your resting metabolic rate (RMR). As you may also remember that the higher RMR is, the more calories your body burns at rest, aiding in faster weight loss. 

A study has shown that your resting metabolic rate may increase by up to 11% after drinking coffee. This boost in metabolism is also due to more movement (because you are more alert) and an increase in fat burning. Another study showed a stronger effect in lean people–caffeine promoted fat burning by 29%. In comparison, the increase was only 10% in obese participants.

Does Coffee Make You Gain Weight?

With a wide variety of coffee drinks available in today’s world, some of them have fewer than 5 calories, while others have a shocking 300 calories or more. Hence, without knowing what kind of coffee you usually drink or what you put in your coffee, it’s hard to tell whether this drink will affect your weight gain.

One thing is for sure: If you get a plain cup of coffee, it will have about 5 calories, and with every extra you throw into your order, your calorie intake will increase, too.

Victoria Burgess

Victoria Burgess

Accountability Coach / Weight Loss Coach


"Black coffee has only about 5 calories per cup, but every pump of syrup, a splash of cream, or a dollop of whipped topping adds up fast. 

If you're trying to lose weight, be mindful of your choices—small swaps like skipping the sugar or using a dash of cinnamon can make a big difference!"

A small splash of cream or a pump of syrup might not seem like much, but over time, those extra calories can add up and slow down your weight loss progress. Here is an example of how many calories you’re adding to your cup of coffee:

  • Sugar: 16 calories (1 teaspoon)

  • Whole milk: 20 calories (1 ounce)

  • Semi-skimmed milk: 10 calories (1 ounce)

  • Whipped cream: 51 calories (1 dollop)

  • Chocolate syrup: 50 calories (1 tablespoon)  

Seeing these calories added to your morning coffee makes you rethink whether the drink can provide all its promising properties.  

Calorie Breakdown of Different Types of Coffee

You might be wondering what kind of coffee you should drink from now on. If you enjoy sugary coffees with whipped cream occasionally, that’s okay! Heck, I love a good mocha every once in a while, too! You don’t have to give them up completely. Just be mindful—some drinks may not seem high in calories, but it’s always worth checking their nutritional content and, when in doubt, enjoy them in moderation

To make things easier, we’ve put together a table of popular coffee types and their calorie counts:

DrinkCalories Serving Size
Black coffee5 calories250 ml
Espresso5 caloriesDouble shot
Black Americano10 calories250 ml
Americano with whole milk40 calories250 ml
Americano with semi-skimmed milk30 calories 250 ml
Americano with skimmed milk20 calories250 ml
Mocha300 calories250 ml
Latte200 calories250 ml
Flat white150 calories175 ml
Cappuccino150 calories200 ml
Iced coffee100 calories200 ml
Caramel iced coffee 150 calories200 ml
Cold brew with milk25 calories200 ml
Black cold brew5 calories200 ml

3 Myths about Coffee and Weight Loss You May Believe 

1. Coffee is Calorie-Free 

Black coffee has almost no calories, but once you add milk, sugar, or flavored syrups, the calorie count can quickly rise. Some coffee drinks, like a mocha, can have 300 calories or more—but that doesn’t mean you have to give them up completely.

Sarah Pelc Graca

Sarah Pelc Graca

certified nutrition coach and personal trainer


"Losing weight doesn’t mean giving up your favorite foods and drinks—it’s all about balance

Enjoy what you love in moderation, and focus on making mindful choices that support your goals."

The key to weight loss is maintaining a caloric deficit, building healthy habits, and staying active. So if you enjoy your coffee with a splash of whole milk and a bit of sugar, that’s perfectly fine—just be mindful of your overall intake.

3. Coffee Causes Weight Gain

Coffee is a very low-calorie drink when taken without sugar, milk, and syrups. However, if you drink popular coffees, they can be quite fattening, especially when paired with a dessert. 

Instant coffee mixes often contain added sugars and sweeteners that contribute to your weight gain without you even realizing it. That’s why it is so important to choose your beverage wisely–small daily choices can make a big difference.

2. Coffee Always Blunts Appetite 

Coffee is known to suppress appetite and postpone mealtimes by a few hours. However, that only happens at first. When you start drinking coffee regularly, your body may build a tolerance to caffeine, lowering its effects. 

One study even showed that caffeine may have no real effect on satiety and even energy levels, so what coffee does to you can be very individual.

4. Bulletproof Coffee (Coffee with Butter) Helps you Lose Weight

When it comes to losing weight, you must consume less calories than your body burns. Remember butter contains approximately 102 calories per tablespoon, so if you are adding butter to your coffee, you are adding extra calories. 

You can fit these calories into a calorie deficit to successfully lose weight, but there’s nothing “magical” about bulletproof coffee that leads to weight loss.

Wrapping Up

A plain cup of black coffee does not cause weight gain–it’s what you put it in that adds to your calorie count, along with all of the other calories you consume throughout your life (from everything else that you eat and drink). The caffeine in coffee, though, can lower your appetite, boost your metabolic rate, and even promote fat burning. 

If you're looking for a simple, effective pre-workout drink, black coffee is a great choice to fuel your workout without unnecessary calories.

Join Strong with Sarah today and feel confident in your body without having to give up on your favorite caffeinated drink. Check out our personalized plans and choose the ones that suit your fitness goals.

Frequently Asked Questions about Calories in Coffee

  • Black coffee has about 5 calories per cup. However, adding sugar, milk, or syrups can significantly increase the calorie count.

  • Coffee itself won’t cause weight gain, but high-calorie add-ins like cream, sugar, and flavored syrups can. Choosing black coffee or low-calorie alternatives can help you avoid extra calories.

  • Yes, coffee can support weight loss by boosting metabolism, increasing fat burning, and reducing appetite. Just be mindful of added sugars and high-calorie ingredients that can counteract these benefits.

  • Both contain caffeine, but energy drinks often have added sugars and artificial ingredients, making them less healthy, especially in large amounts. Black coffee is a better choice for a natural energy boost.

Sarah Pelc Graca

A seasoned professional in the field of nutrition and fitness, with a successful coaching track record spanning almost a decade. With a focus on helping her clients create foundational nutrition habits, an empowered mindset, and accountability, Sarah and the SWS team have guided over 350 clients towards sustainable weight loss while still allowing them to enjoy their favorite foods.

Recognized as a top weight loss coach by Yahoo! News and featured in prestigious publications such as The Wall Street Journal and Forbes, Sarah has established herself as a reputable health and fitness expert. She is also the lead instructor at Cyclebar Northville, a boutique indoor cycling studio in Michigan.

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