Small Changes that Lead to Big Results


One of the biggest reasons that many people struggle to lose weight is because they trying to make 683968 changes at once.

Sound familiar?

I don’t know about you, but the thought of making that many changes at once stresses me out. BAD!

Plus, making that many changes at once usually leads to quick burn-out, which is why so many people to keep the weight off long-term.

The truth of the matter is that small changes are the ones that are realistic, sustainable AND that lead to long-lasting results.

Check out 4 simple changes that help you to lose weight and live a healthy life long-term:

1. Start swapping out one processed snack (like pretzels, cookies, crackers, candy bars, chips, etc.) each week with fruits and vegetables. Once you feel good with one snack, then swap out a second, and so on.

2. Start moving more. Start small — commit to a few 10 minute walks or workouts each week, and then slowly add on more time or intensity.

3. Cut back on mindless snacking between meals. Focus on only eating when you feel true hunger, instead of eating because you’re bored, stressed, emotional, or tired.

4. Swap out higher calorie drinks (like sodas, full-fat lattes, frappuccinos, etc.) for lower calorie drinks (like diet soda, coffee, sparkling water, etc.)

Which of these swaps can you commit to trying this week?