6 Tips to Stay Healthy While Dining Out

6 Tips to Stay Healthy While Dining Out.png

Who is ready to play a little game of true or false...

It is possible to lose weight while still eating at restaurants? 

Drumroll, please...The answer is....


Yep, you read that right! Fun Fact - None of our clients (at Strong with Sarah) give up dining out while they are focusing on losing weight!

They just eat consciously while dining out.

Next time you dine out at a restaurant keep these 6 tips in mind:

1. Box up half of your entree as soon as it comes to the table BEFORE you start to eat. This tip is the easiest way to control your portion sizes. As soon as your food comes out, simply ask your server for a box and put half in the box for leftovers.

2. Only order what’s truly worth it to you. If you LOVEEEE burgers, then choose a healthy side to go with it. Or, if french fries are your thing, then order a grilled chicken breast with the fries. Don’t treat going out to eat as an excuse to order ALL the non-nutritious foods from the menu all at the same time! 

3. Watch the toppings on your salad. If you choose to order a salad, beware of the toppings. Salads aren’t *always* the healthiest choice. Toppings like cheese, croutons, fried noodles, bacon, and creamy dressings can add lots of calories.

4. Don’t be afraid to ASK questions to your server! After all, answering questions is part of the server’s job! Are the veggies that come with your meal steamed? Or are they sautéed in lots of butter and olive oil? Ask for requests if need be.

5. Try the 3-bite dessert rule. If you choose that eating a dessert is worth it to you, then share a dessert with your dining partners, and eat 3 bites. That gives you enough dessert to enjoy without ruining your calorie deficit.

6. Beware of fancy drinks that are loaded with calories, like margaritas, daiquiris, etc. Opt for a glass of dry wine, a light beer, or a vodka soda instead.

Most of all don't forget it is totally possible to dine out and still focus on losing weight!

Do you have any other tips or tricks that help you stay healthy at restaurants?