What to do if you fall of the exercise band wagon?

Lose weight without giving up on your favourite foods by strong with Sarah

You know what I’m talking about… What starts out as a well-intentioned plan often turns into these phrases:

“I’m too busy to pack a healthy lunch so let me grab the pizza…”

“My bed is SOOO comfy right now that I’m going to skip my workout this morning”

“Eating ONE candy won’t really matter so this is fine…”

Here’s the brutal truth — It doesn’t matter HOW many excuses cross your mind. ♥️

ALL that matters is that you continue to take action & make progress, ESPECIALLY on the days you don’t feel like it. 💪🏻

I was reminded of this lesson while training for the NYC Marathon.

There were SO MANY DAYS where I debated skipping my training runs because I didn’t feel like running… Or was too tired… Or too busy… Or one of a million other excuses that would cross my mind.

It would’ve been EASY for me to skip my runs… To tell myself that missing one run was no big deal. And that’s true. Missing one run IS no big deal. But then the slippery slope kicks in. One missed run often turns into two… And then three… And so on.

But where would skipping runs get me?! 🤷🏻‍♀️ I GUARANTEE I wouldn’t have been able to get a PR and break 4 hours by skipping runs!

➡️ The HARDER choice was to continue running, even on days I didn’t *FEEL* like it. ⬅️

In the Freedom with Food Formula, I teach my clients how to LEARN and push through BS excuses, plus I help home them accountable to their actions… So they can continue losing weight and creating a healthy life, no matter HOW many excuses come up.🔥