8 MUST-HAVES to lose weight and get lean… once and for all!


I know many of you are tempted by (and may even be trying) the “quick fix” or fad diet weight loss programs out there.

Heck, with all of the promises these diets make, like losing 15 lbs in 15 days, I don’t blame you!

Here’s the dealio though:

You DON’T need a juice cleanse to kickstart weight loss. You don’t need detox teas and coffees. And you DON’T need to eliminate carbs, cookies, or ANY of your favorite foods!

Here are 8 must-haves you need in order to successfully lose weight long-term:

1. Calorie Deficit: You have to eat less food than your body burns for fuel. Period.
2. Movement: This bounces off of #1… You burn calories by moving your body, whether it’s a long walk with your dog or a bike ride or a high-intensity workout.
3. Moderation: Fad diets might work short-term but if you don’t find a way to enjoy your fav foods and drinks in moderation, you’ll NEVER keep the weight off long-term.
4. Honesty: You have to be able to be honest about your choices, and take personal responsibility for yourself and your results.
5. Consistency: How you eat and move MOST of the time trumps how you eat occasionally.
6. Patience: Yes, we all want results overnight, but the truth is that it usually takes longer than we want.
7. Mindfulness: You need to be aware of the choices you’re making in the moment, not as an after-thought.
8. Even more patience Keep showing up for yourself and taking action even when results take longer than you hope.

Did I leave anything off my list?