Are you trying EVERYTHING under the sun to lose weight, but not seeing ANY results?!

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If so, answer this question HONESTLY…

“WHAT exactly am I focusing on while losing weight⁉️”

If you’re struggling, chances are it’s because you’re putting MOST of your energy on the SCALE, and not enough energy into building the SKILLS you need to be successful!

Ladies, listen up…

When you focus on the SCALE, all you’re doing is focusing on a NUMBER that you can’t control… and you’re giving away ALL of your power to that silly, inanimate object.

YES, the scale is a great tool to use to measure progress, but at the end of the day, the number it shows DOES NOT REFLECT how healthy you are!!!

Instead, focus on creating the SKILLS that are 100% in your control:

Only eat when hungry, and stop eating when you feel satisfied

Eat protein and veggies at each meal

Move your body every single day

Drink plenty of water

Manage your stress and emotions in a healthy way

Eat your favorite foods and drink booze occasionally


I promise, if you focus on adding these skills every day, you WILL lose weight, and you’ll fall in love with your body AND your life!!!

Sure you can use the scale as a TOOL on your journey, but focus on executing THESE skills for the BEST success!