Struggling to eat fruits and veggies? Check out these tips!

5 Easy Ways to Add Fruits & Veggies to your Diet.png

One of the habits that I find my clients struggle with most is eating enough fruits and vegetables. In a perfect world, we would all eat five servings of fruits and veggies daily. As you and I both know, the world is not perfect, and unless you're really focusing on it, chances are you are not eating enough fruits and veggies on a daily basis. This week, I'll be sharing tips and tricks to help you out, so those five daily servings won't seem so daunting.

1. Eat at least one serving of fruit (or veggies) with your breakfast! 

I'll be honest, the idea of eating raw broccoli for breakfast kind of grosses me out (unless it's in an omelet!)... It just doesn't sound appetizing in the morning! However, I DO try to include some fruit with my breakfast every morning. Check out a few of my favorite options that can help you kick start your breakfast with fruit: 

--A banana with almond or peanut butter

--Greek yogurt with fresh berries

--and orange or grapefruit with some Almonds

--cottage cheese with pineapple or mango

2. Make a super smoothie!

Making a super smoothie for either a snack or meal is a great way to get in multiple servings of fruits and vegetables. The more fruits and veggies, the better! Just be sure to include at least one source of protein as well.  Spinach is an easy, nutrient-packed veggie to add to ANY smoothie because it usually acquires the taste of the other ingredients.

3. Include one serving of fruits or veggies as an afternoon snack. 

If you find yourself getting hungry between lunch and dinner, it's totally fine to eat a snack! Just be sure your snack is properly portioned and includes a bit of protein! Check out these easy to grab (or pack) afternoon snacks:

--Carrots and hummus

--Celery with peanut or almond butter

--Turkey rollup with a cherry tomato inside

--A cheese stick with Some broccoli

4. Include at least one serving of fruits or veggies with both lunch and dinner!!

It sounds simple enough, but be sure you include at least one serving of fruits or veggies at lunch and dinner. When choosing what to include, the more colorful the better! If you struggle to find time to prep your fruits and veggies, buy packaged, ready-to-eat ones! 

5. Pump up the flavor!

I think that raw vegetables are boring and bland on their own... is anyone else with me? Check out these ways that you can make your fruits and veggies taste better:

--Dip raw veggies in a bit of salad dressing, peanut/almond butter, or hummus

--Roast veggies to bring out their natural flavor: sprinkle a bit of olive oil on them and throw them in the oven until they are tender

--Season cooked veggies with lemon juice and a splash of olive oil; add fresh herbs such as sage or basil

--If you're looking for a healthier dessert, try baked apples or pears topped with a bit of honey and cinnamon

Comment below, which of these can you add to YOUR daily meals?