6 Effective Habits of Healthy Humans

Fun Fact:

Most healthy, fit humans don’t follow strict food rules or intense exercise programs to lead a healthy, fulfilling life.

Instead, they create habits that are easy to implement most of the time.

Check out 6 effective habits of most healthy humans:

1. They exercise or move consistently. This could mean hard-core workouts if that’s your thing, or it could simply mean taking walks. However, most healthy people consistently move their bodies.

2. They process stress or emotions without needing food or alcohol. Whether it be journaling, drawing, crying, dancing, or ANYTHING else, healthy humans find ways to process stress and emotions that don’t revolve around food and alcohol.

3. They plan and prepare most meals. This doesn’t mean they spend 5 hours on a Sunday meal-prepping, but most healthy people have a loose plan of the healthy meals they plan to cook for the week.

4. They sleep 7-9 hours per night. I can’t stress the importance of this one enough. Healthy humans prioritize sleep, and they understand they function better (both physically and mentally) with proper sleep.

5. They mindfully enjoy favorite (non-nutritious) foods. That’s right — healthy people enjoy non-nutritious foods, too! They simply enjoy them occasionally and in controlled portions. Living a healthy life doesn’t mean depriving yourself of chocolate and wine… Instead, it means knowing what foods are worth it to you, and when to enjoy them.

6. They don’t give up after a tough day. All healthy humans (myself included 🙋🏻‍♀️) have days where we fall off the bandwagon. Whether it be overeating, or eating too many non-nutritious foods, leading a healthy life does NOT mean being perfect with your nutrition and movement choices. Instead, healthy humans get right back on track after a tough day.

Which of these 6 habits can you commit to putting into action today?

Sarah Pelc Graca

A seasoned professional in the field of nutrition and fitness, with a successful coaching track record spanning almost a decade. With a focus on helping her clients create foundational nutrition habits, an empowered mindset, and accountability, Sarah and the SWS team have guided over 350 clients towards sustainable weight loss while still allowing them to enjoy their favorite foods.

Recognized as a top weight loss coach by Yahoo! News and featured in prestigious publications such as The Wall Street Journal and Forbes, Sarah has established herself as a reputable health and fitness expert. She is also the lead instructor at Cyclebar Northville, a boutique indoor cycling studio in Michigan.


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