How to Improve Your Nutrition without Swapping Foods

How to Improve Your Nutrition without Swapping Foods.png

Have you ever heard the saying have your cake and eat it too?

Don't we all wish we could lose weight and become a healthier version of ourselves without giving up the foods we know and love? 

Well, I have good news for you...

There is a way to become a healthier version of yourself without giving up everything you love to eat. 

At some point in your journey, you may need to make some food swaps. However, if you’re not at a place where you’re ready to do that yet, then start with these 5 steps first: 

1. Eat slowly and mindfully. The vast majority of us eat our meals way too fast. Set a timer or use an app (like Eat Slower or Time your Bites) to help you slow down. Take your take and really savor every bite. 

2. Eat only when you feel physical hunger. It’s easy to want to eat when you feel tired, or bored, or stressed, or emotional. Begin paying attention to your physical hunger cues, and only eat when you feel real hunger. 

3. Stop eating when you feel satisfied. Over-eating happens to many of us. Start to notice how full you feel while eating, and practice stopping to eat when you feel satisfied before feeling stuffed. 

4. Eat without distractions. Put away your phone, turn off the TV, and simply enjoy the taste and texture of the food you’re eating. It’s surprisingly calming to do. 

5. Pay attention to your portion sizes. It’s easy to overeat when you’re not paying attention to portion sizes. Here’s a quick way to portion out your meals: Fill 1/2 your plate with fruits and veggies, fill 1/4 with protein, and fill the last 1/4 with carbs. 

Simply knowing other ways to manage your eating habits can lead to a healthier and happier version of yourself. You don't have to try and implement these all at once, just try one and see how you feel, then maybe add in another. 

Let's also remember, improving your nutrition looks different for everyone, so don’t be afraid to implement these tips if you’re not ready to overhaul the types of foods you eat. 

Are you ready to start implementing some of these simple changes?