5 Simple Ways to Improve Sleep

Sarah Pelc Graca - weight loss coach

Are you dreaming of weight loss? 

What if I told you that getting a good night's sleep is as important to weight loss as eating healthy and working out? 

Yep, you heard me right...sleep is an important part of a weight loss journey that most people forget to focus on. Without an average of 7-9 hours of sleep each night, your body can’t properly regulate your hunger and fullness hormones. In other words, it becomes even more difficult to lose weight when you can’t FEEL true hunger and fullness.

So the question is how much sleep are you getting each night? If it’s less than 7-9 it’s time to make getting better sleep a priority in your health and wellness journey. 

5 Simple Ways to Improve Sleep

So let's start to improve your sleep with these 5 easy tips:

1. Set a schedule - Set a sleep schedule and try to stick to that schedule or similar one each night. Go to bed around the same time every night and wake up around the same time every morning. I know it’s tempting to stay up late and sleep in on the weekends, but that doesn’t help your long-term sleep schedule. Chances are if you stick to this schedule long enough your body will start to automatically follow it as it becomes a routine. 

2. Turn off the electronics - Yep, that’s right turn off ALL technology at least 30 minutes before bedtime. Yes, this even includes using your phone in nighttime mode. Not looking at your phone or tv to fall asleep helps your body and brain better prepare for a restful nights sleep. 

3. Turn off the lights and turn down the Air Conditioner - Try to keep your bedroom dark and cool each night. You’ll sleep better if your body is at a comfortable temperature and your room is completely dark. 

4. Take a breath and Relax - Try to relax before each night before bedtime. Find a way to relax from the busy life that calms you down. It can be reading, journaling, taking a bath, stretching, practicing yoga, etc. Again, there are no wrong answers here as long as it doesn’t involve technology and gets your body calm and relaxed. 

5. Don’t have too much caffeine - Watch your caffeine intake during the day, that 2 pm coffee *could* be affecting your sleep routine, so be mindful of only consuming caffeine at a time that does NOT affect your sleep schedule.

Are you ready for a restful nights sleep now? Which of these tips do you struggle with when it comes to your sleep?