There is ONE thing you must change in order to lose weight and keep it off


and to have a healthy relationship where you ENJOY all foods and LOVE your body.

It’s not exercising all the time, although exercise *can* be helpful.

It’s not eating lots of veggies, although that *can* be helpful.

It’s your THOUGHTS and your MINDSET.

Soooo many diets teach you the scarcity mindset:

I can’t eat pizza...
I can never eat dessert...
Enjoy wine? No way, I’ll never lose weight...

Or, you’ve totally messed up your relationship with food by labeling foods as “good,” or “bad.”

The golden question — HOW do you change your mindset?

You remember that your thoughts control your actions... And your actions control your results. You always have the power to change your thoughts and change your actions.

If you start thinking about food, exercise, and your body differently and start allowing yourself to ENJOY your favorite non-nutritious foods occasionally, you’ll begin to love your body AND love all foods (both nutritious and non-nutritious).... regardless of the number on the scale.

Isn’t THAT the ultimate goal?