I love coaching women to lose weight because almost EVERY client I work starts our journey together with ONE common belief.


Based on their past experiences with weight loss, 99% of my clients tell me this EXACT phrase within the first WEEK of working together

“Wow… Weight loss is SO HARD”

Here’s the thing though… Weight loss by itself IS NOT HARD!

The science behind weight loss is actually SUPER simple. All you have to do is burn more calories than you eat. That’s IT.

Here’s the “hard’ part of losing weight:

- Having to learn to say NO to some foods and drinks at times (NO you can’t eat pizza every night and expect to lose weight)
- Hating your body and cringing every time you see yourself in a photo or in the mirror
- Watching everyone else "succeed" while you struggle.
- Feeling exhausted by planning ahead to make sure you have healthy meals prepared or fresh food to eat
- Never knowing if it's going to "work".
- Wondering what life will LOOK like when you lose weight
- Battling your scarcity mindset or the victim mentality
- Struggling to find others who understand how you feel and what you’re going through
- Dealing with your childhood fears & beliefs that you MUST clean your plate, or that you’ve always been the “chubby kid”
- Accepting that some people you love *might* want to see you fail or may NOT support your health journey
- Learning to find new ways to cope with emotions and stress aside from food

So, YES. Weight loss CAN be hard because it is a reflection of how you FEEL about yourself.

And if your feelings are preventing you from FULLY loving and accepting yourself as you are today, then each one of those items I listed above will make your journey HARD as hell.

As soon as you start shifting your mindset, so that you love yourself enough to truly prioritize your body, your health, and your goals, weight loss becomes SO EASY.

So… Let’s start CREATING more self-love! What is one thing you LOVE about yourself???