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Online fitness & nutrition coaching to help women lose weight without giving up chocolate and wine

Ready to lose weight WITHOUT giving up wine and chocolate?

Transform Your Body and Health with a Personal Weight Loss Coach!


Welcome to Strong With Sarah!

One of the biggest mistakes most people make when trying to lose weight is going on a strict diet that completely eliminates your favorite foods. I don't know you about, but personally, I can't live without some desserts, wine, and pasta! Instead of eliminating any foods or food groups, I recommend creating a balanced, healthy nutrition plan that is sustainable for real life and still allows you to enjoy wine and chocolate. 

Does it sound too good to be true? I promise it's not! As your personal weight loss coach, let me assure you that you will not feel completely deprived while working with us. Even more importantly, this is a nutrition plan that you can stick with for the rest of your life simply because it is “doable.”

While we focus on weight loss accountability coaching, I emphasize three main areas in all of our coaching programs: accountability, nutrition habits, and an empowered mindset.

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Stay on track with a personal weight loss coach who has your back, checks in on your progress, helps to hold you accountable, and positively pushes you towards your goals.

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Nutrition Habits

Create simple, sustainable, and scientifically backed nutrition habits that are tailored to you and allow you to reach your goals without completely eliminating the foods and beverages you enjoy.

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Empowered Mindset

Realize your goals are attainable and feel empowered to pursue them. Enjoy the support of your personal weight loss coach and the Strong with Sarah community.

When these three elements are combined, they create an effective, sustainable, and rewarding weight loss plan. By combining healthy eating habits, regular exercise, and a great mindset, we’ve created a weight loss plan that can be tailored to anyone and any lifestyle – no matter how busy or hectic you are. We take YOU into account when formulating YOUR weight loss plan. Even better, everything is online including access to your personal online nutrition and fitness coach who cares about your safety, your results, and ultimately - your happiness!


Acknowledged In and Trusted By


Named one of the top weight loss coaches to follow in 2021 & 2022!

I’ve helped numerous amazing clients lose weight with my online weight loss program.


Welcome to Strong with Sarah!

Lose Weight without Fad Diets

Non-restrictive weight loss accountability coaching that is sustainable and empowers you to build a more healthy relationship with food.


Sensible Plans That Work

 If you’ve struggled to successfully lose weight and keep it off in the past, you may be doubting that any weight loss plan is ever going to work. Our coaching methods work because they use sensible measures that are do-able and realistic. We believe in sustainable weight loss, which means that you’re not going to lose 10 pounds in your first week, but if you stick to your personalized plan and utilize our expertise as your personal weight loss coaches, you will lose weight, and you’ll be able to keep it off long-term.



  • 1-on-1 private coaching
  • Two 30 minute private calls with your coach each month
  • 3 weekly text check-ins
  • 1 hour group coaching Zoom meetings – 3 per month
  • Video trainings and homework assignments to help create a new mindset and healthier relationship with food
  • EverFit app access


  • 1-on-1 private coaching
  • One monthly 30 minute private call with your coach
  • 2 weekly text check-ins
  • 1 hour group coaching Zoom meetings – 3 per month
  • Video trainings and homework assignments to help create a new mindset and healthier relationship with food
  • EverFit app access


  • 1-on-1 private coaching
  • 1 weekly text check-in
  • 1 hour group coaching Zoom meetings – 3 per month
  • Video trainings and homework assignments to help create a new mindset and healthier relationship with food
  • EverFit app access

Industry standards for private nutrition coaching range from $150-$400 per month. Our hands-on, customized coaching programs fall in line with industry standards (with our silver program being less than that!)
Talk to us to see what plan works best for you!


Have A Specific Inquiry or Question?


 Want to Lose Weight Without Giving Up the Foods You Love?

No one wants to give up the foods they love just because they need to lose weight, and while we’re not saying you can eat chocolate every day with our personalized weight loss accountability coaching plans, you certainly don’t have to give up your favorite foods in order to be successful. As your personal weight loss coach, I can assure you that our weight loss programs are not a diet in the sense of restrictive eating. We won’t ever ask you to completely eliminate your favorite foods. Instead, we teach you how to eat in a balanced and personalized way that includes healthy foods most of the time, with your favorite fun foods occasionally sprinkled into your plan.

Although it’s my job (and my passion) to teach you how to lose weight and be healthier without deprivation, I wasn’t always healthy and fit. There were years where I struggled with my own weight. While growing up, my parents fed us healthy food and encouraged my siblings and I to be active in various activities, including sports and dance. I loved (and still love) to dance, but when I started college, I picked up a lot of unhealthy habits (like eating too much late night pizza and drinking too many Starbucks Frappuchinos). Eventually it caught up to me, and over the course of a few years — I had put on more weight than I realized! I slowly incorporated healthy habits to my life, and I was able to lose the weight without eliminating any foods and drinks.

My signature private 1:1 personal weight loss coaching program, the FREEDOM WITH FOOD FORMULA, was created to help busy women to lose weight & beat emotional eating without ever giving up chocolate and wine.

Check out my Weight Loss Blog for helpful tips on losing weight, healthy living, and nutrition.


From my own personal experience, I’ve learned that there IS a secret to losing weight. The secret is finding and creating an individualized nutrition, exercise AND mindset plan that works with YOUR life and that directly leads to results.

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Our Clients’ Experiences

Our number one priority as your personal weight loss coach is to help you lose weight while still enjoying life.

Read more about some of our clients’ experiences:


“Strong With Sarah is a perfectly customized program that works to build on your strengths while giving you a very manageable framework to tackle your weaknesses / bad habits.”

“Strong with Sarah has put me on a really positive wellness journey and lifted me up from the post-baby, post-COVID, fad diet funk that I was in. … So thank you to Sarah and Victoria for the great approach, I look forward to being part of the SWS community going forward.”

“I used to flip between ‘I want to look good and lose weight’ and ‘You only live once, just eat what you want!’ Sarah helped me find the balance between those two extremes, and I ultimately was able to hit my health goals while still enjoying the less-nutritious food I love occasionally”

“I'm very thankful, not only for the weight loss goals Sarah has helped me to hit, but the way she made me feel like a success, even on weeks where the scale went up. She was always kind, and motivational, and never made you feel bad about anything.”


Are you ready to start losing weight
(and keep it off) while still enjoying chocolate,
wine, and all of your favorite foods today?

Grab your copy of free weight loss guide below!

Before and after photos of Sarah Graca

A Plan with You in Mind

As your personal weight loss coach, I understand that your body, and your life are unique. You need a weight loss program that is personalized to your individual needs. All of our clients are paired with a weight loss accountability coach At Strong with Sarah, exercising for hours at a time or feeling hungry all the time isn’t part of our program. ! With our programs – you’ll learn how to eat healthy and move your body in a way that works for your life, and most importantly, you’ll have a partner, a weight loss accountability coach and mentor by your side the entire time so you never feel alone.

Does this mean you’ll never get discouraged or have tough days on your weight loss journey? Of course not, but that’s why my highly qualified and experienced team of personal weight loss coaches and I are here — to address concerns, to help motivate you, and to help you get over the bumps in the road that are bound to happen. With our plans, you don’t just get a written plan — you also get an online nutrition and fitness coach who has years of experience helping people who have gone through everything you’re going through, and who knows how to help you lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way.