Sarah Pelc Graca - Virtual Weight Loss Coach

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Are you a Successful or Struggling Dieter?

Do you ever wonder why it seems so easy for some people to lose weight, and why others (perhaps you) struggle to lose weight?

If you’re struggling to lose weight, chances are it’s because you are focusing on things that are either outside of your control, OR you’re trying diets and weight loss programs that are too strict and aren’t sustainable.

People who lose weight and keep it off long-term aren’t successful because they have a fast metabolism… Or because they are motivated 24/7… Or because they never crave/eat ice cream… Or because they exercise for 2 hours a day.

At then end of the day, successful dieters have the right mindset and they take the right kinds of actions.

This means taking complete responsibility over yourself and your results, while choosing thoughts and actions that are 💯% within your control.

Check out the thoughts and actions on the right side of this image.

Can you relate to the struggling dieter?

If so, know that you can become the successful dieter.