Sarah Pelc Graca - Virtual Weight Loss Coach

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4 steps to creating a calorie deficit!

So you *know* you need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight... But how the heck do you create one?

Follow these 4 steps for a rough estimate of daily caloric intake:

1 Multiply your goal weight (in pounds) by 11-12.
2 Consistently eat within that calorie range for a minimum of 30-45 days. The key here is consistency 😉
3 Monitor results AND how you’re feeling hunger-wise. If you’re super hungry all the time, your results probably won’t be sustainable.
4 Make adjustments to your calories only if needed.

A few important things I want to add:

⭐️ These are general guidelines and recommendations so should be taken with a grain of salt. I use more comprehensive calculations to come up with my clients’ macros and calorie goals

⭐️ Remember you don’t have to to count calories in order to successfully lose weight, just like you don’t need to utilize online banking in order to save money. It’s simply a tool to use to bring clarity to how many calories you’re consuming.

Have questions about creating a calorie deficit?