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I would bet from my head TOMATOES that most of us don’t eat enough veggies.

It’s common knowledge that veggies are healthy, but WHY are they important to include in your meals?!

Check out the 3 BEST benefits of eating veggies every day:

1. Veggies promote optimal health. Research doesn’t lie, my friends — Better health means less disease. People who live the longest lives eat plenty of veggies. Sure losing weight is important to some of you, but LOWERING your risk of chronic illnesses and diseases is more important... right?!

2. Veggies help fill you up WITHOUT adding extra calories to your meals! If you’re trying to lose weight, this is KEY! It’s simple: the more veggies you eat, the fuller you feel, the less food you need between meals. Veggies make creating a calorie deficit MUCH easier!

3. Veggies contain FIBER! That means they help to create healthy poops. They help to regulate your GI system, they can regulate bloating, and they help to prevent constipation. A healthy GI tract leads to a decrease in stomach cramping... which leads to a HAPPIER you!

Which veggie is your FAVORITE?!