Sarah Pelc Graca - Virtual Weight Loss Coach

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Vegetarian Sources of Protein

Do you prefer to eat plant-based but struggle to eat enough protein?

If so, know that you’re not alone!

As weight loss coaches, one of the biggest struggles that many of our clients face at Strong with Sarah is consuming enough protein, especially if you’re someone who prefers a vegetarian or more plant-based diet.

Remember that protein is important for weight loss because it helps you feel satisfied, it prevents you from feeling overly hungry, it has the highest thermal effect of any macro group (which means it burns more calories to digest protein than it does to digest carbs or fats), AND it helps keep your muscles lean and strong! Most importantly, consuming enough protein ensures that you’re losing fat and not muscle while in a calorie deficit.

Being a vegetarian or eating more plant-based doesn’t make it impossible to eat enough protein… BUT it will probably mean that you need to spend some extra time to plan and prioritize so that you’re eating enough protein to help you reach your goals.

Be sure to save this image for some easy high-protein, plant based protein options!

Have questions about protein intake and weight loss? Click the “contact me” tab and send me an email!