Sarah Pelc Graca - Virtual Weight Loss Coach

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How to Measure Progress Without the Scale

Does stepping on the scale give you anxiety?

Have you stepped on the scale after a week or two of being consistent with your nutrition choices and workouts, only to find the scale has gone up by 2 pounds? You feel completely defeated and frustrated. 🤬⁣

Today’s post is to give you a loving reminder that the scale is only ONE way to measure progress! ⁣

Check out 6 other ways that you can measure progress towards fat loss and a healthier life WITHOUT ever stepping on the bathroom scale: ⁣

1. You feel stronger and more confident. You’re able to push yourself harder in your workouts, and you notice a change in how you carry yourself throughout the day. ⁣

2. You manage stress and emotions without needing food or alcohol. Breaking the emotional eating cycle is a HUGE step towards a healthy, freeing relationship with food. And chances are if you’re NOT using food to cope anymore, you’re probably eating less, which creates a calorie deficit. You know a calorie deficit leads to weight loss! ⁣

3. You feel more rested & you sleep better. When you sleep more, your body can better manage your hunger and fullness hormones. You can kiss the days of tired eating goodbye!⁣

4. Your clothes fit better. If you notice your favorite jeans fit better than they used too, chances are you’re losing fat..⁣

5. You trust yourself to stop after enjoying one cookie. This one is HUGE for creating a healthy relationship with food. Breaking the binge cycle, especially with triggering foods, is a major milestone.⁣

6. You feel more confident making healthy choices. In the past, making a healthy dinner at home probably seemed difficult compared to ordering take out… But your new healthy habits are starting to feel NORMAL to you. ⁣

Do you avoid the scale when it comes to your weight loss and choose to measure your success in a different way?