Sarah Pelc Graca - Virtual Weight Loss Coach

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6 Simple Ways to Feel Full

You don’t need to feel hungry 24/7 in order to successfully lose weight.

In fact, if you *do* feel hungry all the time while trying to lose weight, chances are you’re either cutting calories too low or eating too many non-nutritious foods.

Either way, it’s not fun (or sustainable) to feel hungry all the time.

Check out my best 6 tips to help you feel full while still losing weight:

1. Eat protein with every snack/meal. One of protein’s main job is to keep you feeling full.

2. Eat more fruits and veggies. These foods are high volume and lower calorie, so you can eat LOTS of them and still create a calorie deficit.

3. Drink water throughout the day. Thirst can disguise itself as hunger, so be sure you’re staying hydrated.

4. Minimize processed snacks and foods. Sure, pretzels, cookies, chips, etc taste delicious, but processed snacks don’t do the best job at keeping you feeling full.

5. Eat foods that contain fiber. Good sources of fiber include fruits, veggies, beans, whole grains, etc. Like protein, fiber helps you to feel full.

6. Drink sparking water. The carbonation in sparkling water helps you to feel full without adding extra calories. Plus, it’ll help you stay hydrated!

Which of these strategies can you implement today?