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Pointless vs. Life Changing Actions

Too often, I talk to men and women who are taking consistent action but not seeing results or losing weight.

Sound familiar?

Often times, it’s because the actions they take come from a well-intentioned place, but they simply aren’t realistic or sustainable for long-term results.

I’m talking about elimination all carbs…

Or swearing off dessert…

Or only eating “clean” foods…

Or exercising every single day…

Or giving up alcohol…

Or juice cleanses and detox teas…

Sure, you can do any of these ⬆️ actions for a short period of time, but let’s be real — These extreme actions aren’t sustainable.

Sooner or later, you’ll give in to these temptations and start calling yourself a failure.

Instead of focusing on these pointless, extreme actions that fuel the black-and-white mentality, start focusing on life-changing actions that directly lead to weight loss.

I’m talking about actions like walking 10,000 steps every day…

Or drinking 80 ounces of water…

Or only eating when you feel physically hunger as opposed to eating because you’re stressed or upset…

Or eating 3-5 servings of fruits and veggies daily…

Or sleeping for 7-9 hours each night…

Or finding a balance where you enjoy nutritious foods most of the time, with your favorite indulges sprinkled into your life occasionally…

By all means, you have to take action to see results… But taking the RIGHT kind of action is the secret to creating lasting results. 😉