Sarah Pelc Graca - Virtual Weight Loss Coach

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All you need to know about Food Rules and Weight Loss

“I don’t eat past 6pm.” 👎🏻

“I never eat carbs” 👎🏻
“I stay under 1200 calories a day.” 👎🏻

If you live by any of these strict food rules (or other ones not included), you MUST change your MINDSET. 🧠

Please listen—Following food rules ONLY helps create a messed-up relationship with food. I’ve talked to hundreds of women who think about food 24/7 because of the unhealthy relationship they’ve developed with EATING.

Food is a necessity. It is meant to fuel your life and to be ENJOYED… It is NOT meant to rule your thoughts and rule your life.

In the Freedom with Food Formula, I help women to change their mindset, so they find peace with food and are able to escape from food rules, once and for all.

The magic question — HOW do you change your mindset?

⭐️ It starts with your THOUGHTS and ends with your ACTIONS. ⭐️

Begin to think about food in a different way, and then choose actions that help you to break free from your “food rules.”