Sarah Pelc Graca - Virtual Weight Loss Coach

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The BIGGEST lessons marathon training has taught me!

I’ve run over 900 miles.

Running for that many miles has given me LOTS of time to think while I run. As I reflect over those 900+ miles, I’ve learned a few lessons that are DIRECTLY applicable to losing weight.

1. TRUST THE PROCESS. When I began this training cycle, I was running more often but SLOWER than last year’s training cycle. 70-80% of my runs on this plan have been an EASY effort. Last year, only about 30% of my runs were an easy effort. What’s crazy is that running more often at an easier effort has led to PERSONAL BEST races in every race I’ve run this summer. ♥️ While losing weight, be sure to trust the process. It’s easy to second guess if it’s working, but wasting energy on that doesn’t actually help you see results.

2. BE PATIENT. Training for over 7 months to prepare myself for ONE day of running. I’ve had to LEARN to be patient AF during this process. THere’s no way I could’ve safely run 26.2 miles with only 1 or 2 months of training. ⏰ Weight loss is the same way. You MUST be patient while putting in the work to see results. Results never happen overnight… For both running and weight loss.

3. BE CONSISTENT. Oh man… This one was probably the hardest lesson for me to learn. I’ve run 5 days a week every single week, which means that I haven’t missed a SINGLE run in this training cycle. I decided to SHOW UP every single day I needed to run, especially on the days I didn’t *FEEL* like running. I consciously chose to show up for myself and my goals, even when I would’ve rather skipped my runs. By doing this, I proved to myself that I can DO hard stuff. This is good, because the last time I checked running 26.2 miles is always hard. 😜 Seriously though, the ONLY way you will successfully lose weight is if you’re consistent. That means taking ACTION towards your goals every single day, especially on the days you don’t feel motivated.

Have YOU successfully lost weight or are you on a weight loss journey now? What are some lessons that you can share from your journey?