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Check out the ONE mindset shift that will change your relationship with food.

I can’t tell you HOW many women come to me with disordered thoughts and feelings towards food.

They struggle with guilt when they eat “bad” foods, like pizza, burgers, donuts, and chocolate… And they become bored with “good” foods or feel they taste bland, like chicken breast, salad, and broccoli.

Here’s the truth — Foods are NOT good or bad.

Seriously, the more you understand this and the more you can shift your thoughts/mindset, the sillier it sounds when you describe foods using the words “good” and “bad.”

PEOPLE aka HUMAN BEINGS can make good or bad choices. Good people help others, are kind, and give back to society. Bad people commit crimes, steal, and cheat their way through life.


Few things in life are simply black and white… And food is NOT one of those things!

For example, vegetarians, vegans, and those who eat meat ALL have differing opinions about chicken… Vegetarians and vegans might consider chicken to be “bad,” while those eating meat consider chicken to be a “good” food choice.

The bottom line: Foods can NEVER be labeled as “good” or “bad” universally across the board.

So PLEASE STOP using these words to describe your nutrition choices.

At the end of the day, foods are simply MORE NUTRITIOUS or LESS NUTRITIOUS on a biological level. Apples and oranges contain more nutrients than donuts and cookies. That is a fact that cannot be changed‼️

Repeat after me — not “bad” or “good” foods… But “more nutritious” and “less nutritious” foods…

As long as you focus on eating high-quality NUTRITIOUS foods most of the time, there will ALWAYS be room in your nutrition plan for less nutritious foods like chocolate and wine.

Have YOU ever caught yourself using the words “good” and “bad” to describe foods?