Sarah Pelc Graca - Virtual Weight Loss Coach

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Why ELIMINATING dessert won’t help you lose weight long-term!

Let me guess — you’re wondering if I typed that statement wrong.

Let me re-assure you that I did NOT make a typing error…

You will STRUGGLE with long-term weight loss success if you eliminate all desserts.

Here’s why:

Current research suggests that eliminating entire food groups, like dessert or carbs, leads to BINGING and OVER-EATING in the future.

Sure, it might be easy to say NO to all desserts for one or two weeks… But do you really expect yourself to live without dessert for the rest of your life?

UMMMMM I don’t!

If you don’t learn the SKILLS to help you balance dessert into your life WHILE losing weight, then how can you expect to maintain your results when you DO re-introduce desserts? Yeah, you won’t.

In the Freedom with Food Formula, my signature coaching program, I teach my clients the SKILLS to successfully ENJOY desserts occasionally AND still lose weight, while still eating healthy & nutritious foods most of the time.

I give my clients the tools to understand WHEN and WHAT desserts are worth it. This skill is not taught in ANY other fad diet out there unless you consider eating fad diet meal replacement bars as “dessert.”