Sarah Pelc Graca - Virtual Weight Loss Coach

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Confession time:

I used to be afraid of trying new things and setting new goals for myself because I was afraid of FAILURE.

As someone who used to be a perfectionist, I only wanted to challenge myself or try new things or set goals that I was *FAIRLY* certain that I could succeed at.

I lived in my safe little comfort zone every day.

Living in my comfort zone was fine, but it didn’t bring me the joy and fulfillment that I CRAVED deep inside.

Here’s the thing though… One day I realized that was such a crappy way to live. Why live in FEAR of failure?! It hit me that the ONLY way to fail is to GIVE UP on myself and my goals.

Would I have setbacks when reaching my personal goals (like building my own business and running marathons)? Oh hell yes! But each and every setback I encountered was NOT failing… It was simply a learning experience.

Friends… If you’re someone who wants to lose weight or become healthier but you’re SCARED of FAILING, it’s time to change your thinking.

Stop thinking of your challenges, mistakes, and setbacks as failures, and START thinking of them as experiences where you can LEARN for the future.

I promise the only way you can fail is to GIVE UP on yourself and QUIT. Otherwise, your success and your goals are inevitable!

Have you ever struggled with the fear of failure like I have? How did you overcome those feelings?