Sarah Pelc Graca - Virtual Weight Loss Coach

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The top 3 things I WISH I knew on my own weight loss journey!

Roughly 9 years ago, I embarked on my OWN journey to health… And holy cow, it was the BEST decision I’ve EVER made (aside from starting my own business!)

Reflecting back over my own struggles, I WISH that I knew a few life lessons prior to losing weight, but what’s MOST important is that I eventually learned these lessons… And NOW I get to teach my clients these lessons every single day!

Check out the TOP 3 things I wish I knew prior to losing weight:

1. It’s ALL in your head. Yes, the food you eat and the ways you move your body ARE important. But what’s MOST important is that you change how you THINK. It’s 10x easier to lose weight if you think of nourishing your body from a place of love, as opposed to forcing yourself to eat healthy because you hate your body.
2. Creating a healthy life is 100 times more important than the number on the scale. In 5 years, it won’t matter WHAT the number on the scale says today. What WILL matter is that you’ve learned the skills, strategies, and habits to lead a healthy life FOREVER!
3. You have to love yourself first. Obsessing over what you WANT to look like takes your focus away from loving and accepting yourself in your current state. Once you love and accept yourself, it because EASY to want MORE for your body and your life.

Have you had success in losing weight? OR are you on a weight loss journey of your own? What’s ONE thing you wish you knew prior to starting your own journey?