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Want to create SUSTAINABLE weight loss results!?

Then it’s time to BREAK the dieting cycle. For GOOD.

I’m so curious… HOW many of you have tried to lose weight by following these 4 steps?!

1. You begin a new diet or weight loss program that requires you to restrict food. You can kiss eating pizza goodbye because that’s not “allowed” on your program. Or, you eat the pizza but it takes up all your daily allotted points, so you’re left feeling hungry for the rest of the day.

2. You start strong for a few days and follow the plan perfectly, but then you begin to feel deprived and the cravings kick in.

3. After fighting the cravings for as long as possible, you end up giving and indulging in the comfort foods that you love. Often times, because you’ve felt SO restricted, you end up spiraling into a full-blown binge on your fav foods.

4. Then, the awful feelings of GUILT and FAILURE sink in. You feel like a total screw-up because you weren’t “strong enough” or didn’t have enough “willpower” to succeed.

Then you start again at step 1 the following Monday.

Repeat after me These 4 steps DO NOT WORK for sustainable weight loss.

Instead of depriving yourself and getting caught in this horrible cycle for the next 5+ years, I challenge you to RISE to the occasion and learn to FIND A BALANCE that includes eating healthy foods most of the time, but still enjoying your favorite foods occasionally!

I’m talking about creating a healthy life where NO FOODS OR DRINKS are off limits!

This is true FOOD FREEDOM!

Have YOU ever been caught in the dieting cycle I described above?? How did you break the cycle??